Store Check

Your agency for structured POS controlling

A store check can be used to check and evaluate service and compliance with standards in a retail store. In a store check, people disguised as customers visit a store, usually in the retail sector, and evaluate it based on a variety of criteria that are important for that store.

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What is a store check?

A store check, as part of mystery shopping, is an optimal method to see what you are doing well or not so well in your store. To do this, one or more of our employees will visit your store unannounced and unannounced. Our test persons behave like normal customers. They try out and test various aspects of the shopper journey. 

Among other things, our test customers assess whether your products are presented and placed in the agreed manner. 

Store checks are also used to check prices. Another area in which store checks are used is to check whether goods are positioned in your store on time. Store checks can also be used to check compliance with franchise standards.

Our testers document their shopping experience with notes and, if desired, with pictures. This is done using a store check test catalog, in which individual requirements and personal objectives are also taken into account. Once the store check has been completed, a detailed evaluation is carried out.

What can a store check be used for?

With a store check, you can assess the condition of your store. You can gain valuable insights into the current status of your store. In particular, you can identify weak points in the layout and design.  

Store Checks allow you to evaluate a variety of aspects of store operations. These aspects include, among others:

  • Presentation of the products
  • Customer service
  • Sales promotion 
  • Maintenance
  • Cleaning 

This enables you to recognize how your business is perceived by customers. This insight will then show you which areas you need to improve. These improvements help to improve the customer experience, which ultimately helps to increase sales. 

What do our store checkers look out for?

Even if your employees are knowledgeable, competent and friendly, this does not guarantee that your business will run smoothly. Your customers need to be able to find their way around your store. You need to ensure that the goods are presented in the best possible way. And you need to make sure that you pick up your customers emotionally. 

With a well thought-out communication and design strategy for your point of sale, you can fully exploit your customer potential. With a store check carried out by us, you can gain clarity about the impact of your point of sale. We provide you with an objective and systematic status report on your store.

During the visit to your store, our checkers look for the following things, among others:

Observation of consumer behavior

Our testers observe your customers even before they enter your store. They pay attention to which side of the store the customers enter the store, whether they enter the store directly or whether they look at the shop window for a while first. And, if applicable, how long they look at the shop window before entering the store.

Among other things, they also note the design of the shop window and its lighting.

Inspection of the store

After our testers have observed your store and your customers from the outside, they enter your store and see where the main brands are and where the main categories are. They also look for the checkouts and the main sales areas. They also pay attention to things like the location of escalators, emergency doors and elevators. If it's a clothing store, they also inspect the changing area.  

Then make a note of the handle height of the products. Are the items at eye level or knee height? Are the products easy to see and easy to reach? What about the lighting? Are the products well and correctly lit?

Our testers then move on to questions about pricing. How are the prices communicated? Are the prices clearly visible and unambiguous for customers? Can the customer see that there are special offers?

Our testers also check the interplay of colors and materials. Does the color scheme match the range? What is the contrast like? Are the colors inviting, attractive or rather cool?

How often should you have a store check carried out?

It is advisable to have regular store checks carried out. If you want to ensure that your store is in the best possible condition, you should have your store checked two to four times a year.

If you have any questions about Store Check, we will be happy to help. Thanks to our many years of experience, we are also able to carry out store check projects at short notice.

Request now without obligation! is your professional partner for mystery shopping. Our pool of over 100,000 mystery shoppers, together with our AI-based evaluations, quickly delivers the desired results for you.

With price guarantee: We are atleast 10% cheaper than your current service provider for the same scope of services

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